Brand Strategy Podcast Advertising Social Media

Spotify’s 2024 Podcast Trends: sight meets sound & the rise of the ‘podfluencer’


By Jenni Baker, Senior Editor

June 6, 2024 | 5 min read

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Diving into Spotify’s ‘2024 Podcast Trends Tour’ report, we give you the rundown on the latest happenings in the space and how brands can capture their audience’s attention through podcasts.

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Spotify's '2024 Podcast Trends Tour' discusses how podcast hosts can be powerful tools for advertisers

From Taylor Swift’s latest album drop to The Traitors finale, various sports events and film awards, cultural moments naturally dominate the online news agenda, both on our screens and in our ears, as audiences increasingly turn to podcasts on Spotify to get their fill.

The trend is just one among the 12 featured in Spotify’s ‘2024 Podcast Trends Tour’, with huge spikes in podcast listening around these conversations. And speaking of culture, another notable trend Spotify highlights in the report is the evolution from social media influencers to a new powerful marketing conduit: the ‘podfluencers’.

These influential podcast hosts are commanding substantial trust and authority among audiences, with 63% of people saying they trust their favorite podcast host more than their favorite social media influencer. What’s more, this trust is translating into purchasing decisions: 48% of Gen Z and millennials say they are more likely to be interested in ads and products when they’re promoted by their favorite podcasters.

These podcasters are moving away from traditional formats and towards interactive tools to build stronger connections with their audience; one in three say that polls and interactivity are most helpful, while more say they are achieving higher consumption times and completion rates in this way. The report finds that, for advertisers, the addition of call-to-action cards to podcast campaigns can double website visits, compared to standard non-clickable ads.

“Through the Podcast Trends Tour, we’re uncovering just how powerful podcast hosts can be for advertisers looking to connect with audiences in a real way,” said Jenny Haggard, global brand strategy and thought leadership lead, Spotify. “Almost half of millennials and Gen Zs said they trust brand or product ads in podcasts because of the trusted relationship they have with the hosts. That’s powerful, and it’s only one of the many reasons podcast ads are so impactful.”

From stream to screen

Hold the phone (literally) because another key takeaway from the report is that podcasts aren’t just for listening anymore. In fact, Spotify has seen a 39% global increase in average daily streams of video podcasts – with +64% more video episodes and +78% more video shows released on Spotify year-on-year, suggesting there’s a new opportunity to tap into sight and sound to deliver messages that resonate with audiences.

The advice for brands who want to make a deeper impact is to tell their brand story across multiple formats, with immersive audio spots that fit seamlessly into the user experience in a non-disruptive way, as well as video ads that are only served when the app is in view.

“It’s clear we’re in the midst of a podcast era. As video consumption continues to grow on Spotify, this provides a strong opportunity for advertisers on our platform to reach our hyper-engaged audience of over 615 million,” says Rak Patel, head of EMEA sales, Spotify. “In fact, we’ve found that campaigns with a multi-format approach drive strong full funnel performance. With video on the rise on Spotify, I’m excited to see how brands will lean into this format and get creative with their content.”

And podcasts continue to grow in popularity – the number of podcast shows streamed by each person in the UK has increased +8% year-on-year, which may seem small but is impressive given the large amount of podcast streaming already. Gen Z in particular is tuning in to more podcasts than they did in 2023, while older generations (45 and over) stream more minutes than last year.

As for brands, there’s proof that podcasts are driving business results. The report states that 62% of respondents took action after hearing an ad during a podcast, either by searching for the product, purchasing the product or simply talking about it.

The clear takeaway for brands is that there’s much to be gained by leveraging the trust and authenticity of podcast hosts, creating engaging and interactive content, and integrating cross-platform strategies. By embracing these trends, marketers will be better equipped to navigate the dynamic podcast ecosystem and maximize their marketing impact.

Explore the report here and for a deeper dive into some of these trends, tune into this special podcast episode here featuring The Drum’s Sam Anderson and Spotify’s Jenny Haggard.

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