DOOH OOH Out-of-home

Out-of-home advertising: The unsung hero of brand-building?

By Dan Bayford, OOH Partner, Posterscope

dentsu UK & Ireland


The Drum Network article

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January 10, 2024 | 7 min read

Dan Bayford of Posterscope (part of Dentsu) argues that out-of-home ads are still undervalued in the brand builder’s toolkit.

A blank billboard on a sunny day

Is out-of-home advertising a secret weapon for brand-building? / Charlie Deets via Unsplash

Historically during times of economic uncertainty (and despite all the overwhelming evidence that it’s a bad idea, like from Binet & Field), short-termism remains prevalent among many advertisers.

But the most recent IPA Bellwether Report makes for refreshing reading. It reveals that investment in main media advertising (the core traditional media channels, and especially events) was on the increase, suggesting that advertisers are shifting their focus to more long-term, brand-building strategies to protect and grow market share and maintain customer loyalty.

And while digital media still accounts for a sizeable proportion of ad spend, there’s evidence that while advertisers see the value in it, it is not a medium favored by consumers. Kantar’s 2023 Media Reactions report suggested that many forms of digital advertising are in fact actively ignored when compared to channels such as out-of-home (OOH) and live experiences.

So, for those advertisers refocusing on brand building, it’s time to take a fresh look at OOH. It offers a plethora of ways to enable advertisers to grab attention, increase brand recognition, and drive engagement with target audiences. There are multiple benefits to using OOH advertising for brand building. Here are six ways to make the most of this traditional yet ever-innovating medium.

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1. Broad reach and local impact

OOH advertising offers a unique combination of broad reach with local impact, reaching 98% of the UK population every week, according to Route. Impossible to ignore, it can provide a 24/7 presence across the nation, reaching commuters, pedestrians, motorists, shoppers, and leisure seekers.

OOH advertising allows for geographically targeted campaigns, offering strategic ad placements in key locations where a specific demographic is known to be more prevalent. This combination of wide-reaching visibility with local relevance builds connections at both national and local levels.

2. Visual impact

OOH has a unique visual impact: a creative canvas designed to grab attention. In a world filled with digital noise and distractions, OOH ads can’t be skipped, scrolled past, or ad-blocked. They command immediate visual attention and engage viewers on a visceral level.

A well-designed ad can convey your brand’s essence and deliver your message in a split second, while digital OOH campaigns that use contextually relevant messaging can achieve a 17% more effective response.

3. Consistent brand presence

Building a brand involves fostering recognition and trust over time. OOH advertising contributes to this process by providing consistent brand visibility. When people encounter a brand repeatedly in various OOH locations, it reinforces their perception. This consistency helps to establish trust and reliability in the minds of consumers.

OOH (and digital OOH) are among consumers’ and marketers’ top five most preferred media channels in Kantar’s Media Reactions report, reinforcing its status as a liked and trusted medium.

Consistency extends beyond just the visuals of the ad; it also involves delivering a consistent message and tone. Consistency builds brand recognition and makes brand more memorable in the long run.

4. Driving online brand engagement

Contra the notion that OOH and digital marketing are mutually exclusive, they complement each other very effectively. Businesses can incorporate QR codes, hashtags, and URLs into OOH ads to drive online engagement; this seamless integration enables potential customers to transition swiftly from seeing an out-of-home ad to visiting a website or online shop to make a purchase.

OOH ads can also be a powerful catalyst for online discussions and user-generated content. Encouraging the sharing of out-of-home ads on social media platforms can initiate a conversation online. This cross-channel synergy helps amplify brand messaging, increases its reach, and drives deeper brand engagement.

Research by the OAAA and Harris Poll revealed that social media is a potent amplification tool for OOH campaigns, with 91% of gen Z and 82% of millennials expressing willingness to reshare OOH ads on social media.

5. Creativity and innovation

In OOH, creativity knows no bounds. Brands can experiment with unconventional ad formats and locations to create memorable experiences. From interactive bus stop panels and full location dominations to full-motion digital panels and anamorphic 3D billboards, OOH advertising allows brands to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation.

Meanwhile, innovative OOH campaigns increasingly go viral, generating significant buzz and media coverage. These campaigns build brand awareness and demonstrate a brand’s commitment to creativity and originality.

6. Measurable effectiveness

Like all media, out-of-home measurement grows in sophistication all the time. Brands can utilize a variety of tools to track the effectiveness of their OOH campaigns. You can employ geolocation data to understand foot traffic around OOH sites, conduct surveys to gauge brand recall among target audiences, and perform real-time data collection and analysis. This enables adaptation and optimization of campaigns on the fly.

It’s time to recognize the enduring power of OOH advertising for brand building. Its broad reach, visual impact, consistency, and ability to enhance digital marketing efforts make it an incredibly valuable tool. It is accessible and proven to be effective for a wide range of business, from start-ups and scale-ups to established high-street retailers and global brands. By harnessing creativity, data-driven insights, and the unique strengths of OOH advertising, businesses can effectively drive brand awareness, recognition, and connection with their audiences in ways that are increasingly important in challenging market conditions.

DOOH OOH Out-of-home

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