Customer Experience Digital Transformation Brand Strategy

How marketers can crack the digital experience code


By Jenni Baker, Senior Editor

June 28, 2024 | 3 min read

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The digital experience is the intersection where brands and customers unite, but something’s not adding up. A new report from The Drum, in partnership with Adobe, cracks the code with three ways for marketers to solve it.

Download the full report ‘The modern marketing equation’

Download the full report ‘The modern marketing equation’


Marketers have heard the words ‘right message, right time’ more times than they can shake a stick at, but while some things in marketing never change, the ability to deliver on this has changed dramatically in recent years, as customer journeys become more complex.

It’s no secret that today’s consumers demand a smooth, personalized digital journey as part of every brand interaction. 70% of customers say it’s important to provide a cohesive and seamless experience whenever and wherever they interact with a brand. And their needs are always changing. According to Adobe’s 2023 Digital Trends Experience Index, nine in 10 (89%) senior executives believe customers are constantly resetting their expectations to match their best omnichannel experiences.

These expectations are being matched by digital experience technology, which is evolving quickly. But with this speed comes the need for marketing leaders to constantly play catch up to deliver the customer experiences and brand experiences demanded by today’s marketplace.

Only 7% of practitioners consider their organization’s digital customer experience to be exceptional and able to surprise and delight customers, while nearly half (42%) admit their customer experience sometimes falls short of customer needs.

So, what’s the missing link and how can marketers crack the code?

“By focusing on the customer journey and anticipating potential pain points or challenges, brands can proactively address issues before they arise, building trust and loyalty among customers,” says Georgia Scott, head of solutions marketing at Adobe. “Ultimately, by combining data-driven insights with a customer-centric approach, brands can enhance the customer journey, build stronger relationships, and drive long-term loyalty.”

By calculating customer expectations and doing the math to be able to deliver on them, a new report in collaboration with Adobe, explores the three missing links that will help marketers plug the gap and solve the digital experience equation to power their brands and businesses forward.

Download the full report ‘The modern marketing equation’ here.


Customer Experience Digital Transformation Brand Strategy

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