Travel and Tourism Social Media Marketing

How to be a travel brand on social that Gen Z actually likes


By Emer McDevitt​​​​, Account manager

July 30, 2024 | 8 min read

#TravelTok changed the face of the Gen Z holiday, but with great power increasingly comes the need for great responsibility from brands. Emer McDevitt​​​​, formerly of SocialChain, shares her views as part of The Drum’s Travel and Tourism focus.

People basking in the sun

Social has affected our lives in many ways, but the movement from Google to social as the preferred search engine for Gen Z is undeniable. Unlike traditional search strategies, brands are jumping on the opportunity offered by platforms for brands to speak directly with and to their target audience.

Travel brands, specifically, are in a unique position to take advantage of the power of social. With a little know-how, they can distinguish themselves by bridging the disconnect between a hyped-up travel industry that thrives on viral destinations and the culturally rich, responsible experiences that Gen Z craves.

The rise of #TravelTok

According to TikTok, the platform’s experienced a staggering 410% increase in views of travel content since 2021. 76% of the users surveyed said they were likely to book holidays thanks to recommendations seen on the platform. The hashtag #explore has over 1.3tn uses.

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These statistics should come as no surprise. As someone who sits on the cusp of Gen Z but is a clear millennial, I spend hours sifting through travel videos so that I’m ready to book at the first sight of rain. I’ve also been known to drag my partner to spots I’ve seen on social, only to be disappointed when the swing at the café overlooking the bay has a queue longer than the restaurant itself.

#TravelHacks has also seen an increase, with some interesting results. Just last week, a video went viral showcasing someone who tried using the Pillow Hack (a hack where people hide their luggage in a pillow so as not to pay for hand luggage) and was eventually denied entry on to the plane. Although these hacks sit on the scale from helpful to ridiculous, their popularity highlights the impact social has had on our travel behaviors in the last five years.

Travel as a trend

But like the Clean Girl aesthetic (more recently Oatly’s Mob Wife), there is something to be said about social media crafting a clear collective identity as we all jump on the latest trends.

Travel trends are no different, with the same destinations appearing over and over again, pictures and videos taken from the exact same spot in the same beach clubs and restaurants.

Yet there is a downside to these destinations going viral – and the consequences are more serious than we think. Only recently, protestors in Majorca/Mallorca blocked tourists from accessing a popular Instagram spot at Caló des Moro in protest of mass tourism on the island.

Although social isn’t solely responsible for issues like mass tourism, the nature of platforms like TikTok and Instagram is to continually promote content that’s intentionally aspirational to drive reach and engagement, without scratching too far beneath the surface of reality.

Responsible tourism

Yet unlike their boomer and millennial predecessors, Gen Z is rejecting aspirational trips in favor of more authentic and culturally rich experiences. This group doesn’t want to jump on the latest travel trend or go to the hole-in-the-wall restaurant that’s suddenly become the most sought-after restaurant in the area. They want a unique, personalized experience that won’t impact the local community.

They’re stepping out of the viral travel trends and opting for lesser-known destinations that engage local communities. Plus, they’re a generation of sustainable travel seekers - 56% of Gen Z travelers believe that choosing an eco-friendly travel option is important for ensuring a positive experience for local people and tourists.

Travel brands can distinguish themselves from competitors and appeal to Gen Z by curating unique experiences with a focus on responsible tourism. On social, they could consider their own credentials and how they can ensure they’re being communicated authentically.

What Gen Z’s travel preferences mean for brands

If a travel brand wants to talk the talk and walk the walk, it’s worth collaborating with local creators who know or live in the area for their travel content. They can advise audiences on niche spots to eat, drink or take an excursion in favor of the more hyped-up places to relieve pressure on the local community. Or else they could partner with creators in the responsible tourism/sustainability space to draw attention to local issues in the area. Or they could use their owned platform to be a voice for local businesses and hero them on social.

Instead of focusing hacks on dodging baggage fees, turn the ‘travel hack’ culture on its head with tips on how tourists can travel sustainably and support local businesses. Or create bespoke travel itineraries dedicated to lesser-known destinations. If you love Ibiza, you should visit [insert lesser-known destination].

Although it’s not exactly concerned with travel per se, travel brands could learn a lot from Patagonia, which expertly uses its platform to spotlight local communities around the world. For example, the brand supports hero activists like Ángela Astudillo, who treks into the desert in Northern Chile to gather illegally buried clothes to create wearable art. And best of all, these videos don’t have a branded logo in sight.

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When it comes to travel, Gen Z is operating differently from previous generations. Creating content around the ‘Instagrammable swing’ in front of the bay may have been enough to draw me in, but travel brands need to highlight how they’re doing better to be a brand Gen Z wants to invest in.

Continue the conversation with Emer here. Further reading:

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