
By The Drum, Editorial

June 13, 2024 | 2 min read

Taking Technology Innovation Gold at The Drum Awards for Marketing EMEA 2024 is Rewilding Mode Prime from Husqvarna and Weber Shandwick. Here is the award-winning case study.

We need to rethink the value of the lawn. One-third of green areas in European cities are lawns. But even so, private gardens are often overlooked in the discussion around the loss of pollinators and biodiversity. The loss of pollinators is a global problem requiring local engagement. At Husqvarna, they recognized that they had a role to play when it comes to biodiversity but had not found the right approach.

The Innovation: Rewilding Mode

Therefore, we thought of a new feature that took the fight to the backyard. Literally. Rewilding Mode is the world’s first feature designed to rewild private gardens so pollinators can thrive. This unique innovation uses GPS data to calculate lawn sizes and leaves 10% uncut, establishing a sanctuary for pollinators. By adding the feature directly to the app, we enabled people to easily participate in the solution actively, fostering a powerful bond between the customer, product, and brand. This illustrates how technology can promote environmental stewardship.

Media Impact

Featured in over 200 major outlets like Fast Company and Forbes, Rewilding Mode has touched 218 million people across 20 countries, achieving a PR value of 50 million Swedish crowns. Notably, 8.5 million customers engaged, and over 3 million viewed our YouTube film, shedding new light on what can be achieved by simply saving 10% of your lawn and bringing the discussion of what the perfect lawn may be, into the light.

The True Victory

The true victory? Over 267,000 square meters of lawn have transitioned into habitats for pollinators, with numbers growing daily. The goal is to keep increasing this area designed for pollinators and for that to also work as a conversation starter when talking about what the perfect lawn may be.

Ready to get your work recognized on a global stage? Enter The Drum Awards today. Need more inspiration, read our Award Winning Case Studies.

Awards Case Studies The Drum Awards For Marketing EMEA Marketing

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