
By Audrey Kemp, LA Reporter

July 26, 2024 | 6 min read

A new film raises awareness about firearm restraining orders (FROs) to potentially prevent firearm suicides and shootings, as only 10% of the state’s residents are aware of the laws.

A new short film illustrates the lifesaving potential of firearm restraining orders (FROs), also known as “extreme risk laws” or “red flag laws.”

Released in the state of Illinois by The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Brady: United Against Gun Violence and the Ad Council on Thursday, the ‘Pause to Heal’ campaign aims to prevent firearm suicides and shootings by educating the public about FROs. These laws allow family and household members to request civil orders that temporarily prevent someone in crisis from purchasing or possessing firearms. FROs are highly effective, enabling a person to “hit pause” on a potentially deadly situation and secure time to heal. The first iteration of the campaign launched in April.

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Directed by award-winning duo Si&Ad, the new 60-second PSA powerfully depicts the healing power of FROs. It shows a man in crisis, with his sister implementing an FRO to temporarily remove his access to a firearm. “Jay, it’s me. I spoke to mom and dad. We don’t think you should have a gun right now,” she says. “It’s temporary. Things felt dangerous. I think you need to talk to somebody.”

The creative employs cinematic sound design, editing, cinematography and special effects to maximize emotional impact. It closes with the message, “By temporarily removing a gun, a firearm restraining order (FRO) gives a person in crisis time to heal.”

US Surgeon General Dr Vivek Murthy recently called for the implementation of such laws, naming firearm violence “a public health crisis in America.” IDPH director Dr Sameer Vohra echoed this sentiment, stating: “The State of Illinois is proud to partner with Brady and the Ad Council on this public health campaign. Extreme risk laws allow families to protect their loved ones during crises. This powerful PSA aims to give Illinoisans the information they need to help their loved ones ‘Pause to Heal.’”

Despite the effectiveness of extreme risk laws, a study by the Ad Council Research Institute (ACRI) and the Joyce Foundation found that only 10% of Illinois residents are familiar with FROs and how to use them. The study also noted that local and state-level government agencies are key trusted sources of information.

Illinois State Police director Brendan Kelly emphasized: “Firearm restraining orders can reduce instances of gun violence, but they are only effective if the public is aware of them. This PSA highlights the importance of FROs in saving lives.”

The PSA and the broader ‘Pause to Heal’ campaign aim to increase awareness of these interventions through various media, directing audiences to, a new digital hub with local information and resources.

“Firearm restraining orders can save lives,” said Michelle Hillman, Ad Council chief campaign development officer. “Our storytelling approach for this powerful new ad is informed by ACRI research and grounded in humanity. We hope to raise awareness and save lives by highlighting the benefits of a FRO.”

Brady President Kris Brown added: “Widespread awareness of firearm restraining orders is crucial to ending family fire and freeing America from gun violence. Public education campaigns empower families to take steps to keep their families safer.”

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The ‘Pause to Heal’ FRO campaign was developed pro bono by national advertising agency McKinney and award-winning production company Caviar. Executive creative director Alex Shulhafer stated: “Increasing awareness for firearm safety measures and mental health resources is critical to reducing gun violence.”

The PSA debuts as the nation’s gun suicide rate is at an all-time high, with over 48,000 people dying from gun violence annually, according to the CDC. This data underscores the need for a comprehensive public health approach to addressing gun violence, including education about extreme risk laws.

Illinois is one of 21 states and Washington, DC, with an extreme risk law in effect. The Pause to Heal campaign is an Illinois-specific pilot that will soon expand to other states and Washington, DC. The Ad Council and Brady previously launched the successful ‘End Family Fire’ campaign, which focused on secure gun storage to prevent gun violence.

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